Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Little Engine That Could...?

I think I can. I think I can. I -- really am starting to think I can!
May 1 is not too far away, can I be ready for this half marathon??
My training schedule is a 12 week program for a novice runner. Am pleased to say, I'm starting week 7 :) http://halhigdon.com/ << Check it out!
Saturday is a big day... it's a S-e-V-e-N MiLe RUN ! That'll mean i CaN run more than half that 13.1 mile distance! I still have much to learn about the sport of running but running is helping me learn a lot about other aspects of life... like getting things done one step at a time and there are rewards for hard work. I love it!
SO just chug forward a little at a time and before you know it, you're gettin somewhere! You CAN do it!