Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Down Under

It's a beautiful Easter morning here. Strange to think it's autumn. Australian Easter means everything is closed from Good Friday to Easter Monday. Hot cross buns are a hit--Michael had to bake a gazillion of them. Fortunately, I'm not too keen on them. And apparently playing the didgeridoo is important around here because I can hear someone doing that right now :)

It's starting to rain a bit and Tim just headed out to the hot tub, Emily just went to work, Michael is still in bed, and Mike is still in the states. Our truck is dead in our driveway. It died about a day or two after Mike left (he's been gone for about 3 weeks). It's funny how so many things like this have happened as soon as Mike is gone, but all of the different situations have actually caused us to slow down and draw back all the more. We take the bus to Aldi's once a week and gather up as much as we can lug to the bus station. The rest of our shopping is done by walking to Cole's about a 30 min walk. It's nice but I wouldn't mind having a bike when I have that next day "Oh, I forgot to get..." haha.
Yesterday morning the kids and I walked out to the beach before 6am to catch the sunrise. On our way I could hear the laugh of the kookaburra, what a cool sound! The magpies also have an interesting call, at times it sounds robotic, reminding me of the owl on Clash of the Titans.
The sunrise wasn't very spectacular. The sky got a little pink and then it was light. We'll have to try again maybe climb Mt Coolum for a better perspective and on a day that isn't so cloudy.
Last night Michael invited me to go on a walk with him along the beach. It was nice to chat with my boy who's near leaving the nest. We wrapped up our 2 hour ordeal with a good 20 min hard run. And we had the most amazing view of the "moon rise" (is that a real term?) The sky was a beautiful pinky-purple shade, the moon was huge and round, just coming up over the sea's horizon. Camera flashes lined the beach. I wish I had an iphone for camera's sake bc at one point the most framable shot came into view with the moon, a sail boat, and the island, side-by-side on the edge of the purple glittery ocean...ahhhh. Hope to catch a similar glimpse tonight with my camera.

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12
HAPPY EASTER ALL!! (That's "Resurrection Sunday" to you VF friends! ;) )


  1. LOVE that you have Aldi's in Australia!! Some things are just little blessings, aren't they?


  2. Sounds like a dreamy day! Loved hearing about your walk/run with your fun/son! Wish we were there.

  3. Sorry, that was me just now "Anonymous" wasn't trying to be creepy = Missy

  4. Always enjoy your blogs Lucy. I think it's funny that you guys are there and then Mike comes back to the states. What's up with that? Sounds like a beautiful place and you are adapting well. You CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. (Phil 4:13 of course.) Love & miss you.
