Don't waste your time just wishing things would be better. Close your eyes and think of where you'd like to be 5 years from now. Does getting there seem a daunting chore? When I started training for my half-marathon I was a new runner. 13.1 miles seemed incredibly absurd. With a plan in my hand, my first "long" run of two miles seemed a tad more do-able. With my shoes laced up and fierce determination, I thought, "This is where I need to go. Just get to the Waffle House and then back home.Got this!" and then at the end of the block, "whew..it seemed so much closer by car...can I really do this? Will I ever get there?" So I needed an even more attainable goal. "Just get to those trash cans over there. Good. Now you've still got steam, so pick up the pace and just head for that red van down the street. Okay, stop. Take a breather. Now, just trot past the city fountain. Look! You're at the big church! The Waffle House is in sight!" Anyone can do this. Just a little at a time. Baby steps. Fall down? Get up. Keep going. You'll get there!
You have in you these things:
Being anchored to God's truths will help you to remember that you CAN do it!