Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some Encouragement

What lies behind you and what lies before you is NOTHING compared to what lies within you. Our self worth is not based on what we do, what we have, the things we've accomplished, or even who we are. Our self worth should be based on who lies within us. We are worth it because of Him.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13

"Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as if working for the Lord, not for men." Col 3:23

"My flesh and heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Ps 73:26

~"Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up just as you are doing." 1 Thes 5:11~

Stop Thinking, Start Doing!

Well, I keep THINKING about doing a lot of changes in my diet and exercise plan and my partial actions are not getting me where I need to be...ughhh! With this rare occasion of having no children at home, I lounged around for a bit this am, watching a bit of the OneThing ( and psyching myself up for a trip to the gym. Finally made it and did the tanning spiel first, then off to the locker room and noticed 2 missed calls- Mike needed me to come home to give him the truck. Phooey!
Now what? You can only surf the internet/ facebook for so long before going brain dead. I'm certainly not burning calories that way nor is my house gettin any cleaner. Motivation where are you? Maybe I'm sitting on you? Is that it? I just need to remove my large derriere from this seat and I might find you, you say?
I've just GOT to make the most of this time! Really want to slim down and be organized, those are two main goals. So how will I get there? One day at a time, I guess. I've got to keep my vision before me and go for it. Gotta stop dreaming about it and know "I CAN DO IT! I CAN!"

Time for lift off (off the couch) and head to that stationary bike! 15 minutes then I will tackle the dishes and the rest of the kitchen...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Starting a blog-

Well, I happened to stumble upon "blogspot" while I was checking a friend's facebook. The site walked me easily through starting my own blog. I had planned on starting one to record how my (future) diet went. The only problem is I STILL can't figure out how to see my friend's blog! Oh well I'll figure it out eventually.


I'm a pretty average thirty something mother of 3 (teenagers!)-except that I homeschool them! I like the idea of being a little different but really my husband and kids are the outstanding unique individuals in my life. I love them!
I'm always wishing I could do something better, be better, look better, relate better, and on and on... One day I hope to sit back with my arms folded and look upon something I've done and say, "This is GOOD!".