Monday, February 28, 2011

I DiD IT! (well, pretty much...)

Hi folks! errr..uhhh... my 3 know who I'm talkin' about: Me, Myself, and I! :P hahaha~ (yeah, this blog thing is more like a personal diary that might be read one day than hot off the press public news!)

9 months or so have passed since I last blogged...and well, I've been pretty darn busy since then. Truly a lot has happened... but you probably want to know if I've made any progress? Good news. I HAVE!

Recap: May 2010.. weighed in at metabolic research with aches-n-pains and (though I didn't see it then) depression. I was 165 lbs. A few days later.. I gained 2 more! Yikes.

Months of increasing protein, veggies galore!, decreasing those white starches...

And Voila!! Now you have a 135 lb, pain free, happy, healthy lady!

While the # goal was 132... and I waiver more between 136 and 138.. I'm still quite satisfied! In my head I thought "If I could wear size 8 jeans, wow" and now I can wear size 6! and "if I could just catch my husband glimpsing at me" and now he almost drools! all. the. time. :D

So rather than going with the old "you just can never reach your goals" attitude,
I've decided to bask in the victory of where I am, let it linger here for a moment while I pick up another goal: (get this!)drummmm rolllll pleeeease!! I, Lucy Collier, have decided to run a Half Marathon!!!! Oh yeah! May 1 ,2011 I will be running in the Wichita Half.. and my goal is to be a FINISHER!

I honestly couln't have imagined such a thing one year ago. But I'm 6 weeks in to my training and I have run 6 miles! at one time! ok, I use the term "run" loosely-- more like a jog, walk, run, trot- but hey! I'm gettin there!

If I can do this, so can you!
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:14

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