Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lucky 13

A nice speedy visit back 'home' to Council Bluffs, Iowa and Omaha included a lovely blessing ceremony for my friend's twins as they turned 13, and a 13 mile practice run with my sister-in-law. The birthday celebration was great and it was so nice to see old friends.
Now about that practice run: First off, if it weren't for the determination of my strong sis, Marie (aka Myrtle), it would NOT have happened. I don't know how I could've mustered up the strength to press through the pain and complete what we set out to do. I'm pretty sure I would've talked myself into an easier goal before my feet even hit the ground. I would've taken frequent walking breaks. I would've taken short cuts. I would've taken 4 hours (instead of less than 3). And.. I wouldn't have felt very confident on race day!! 21km...13 miles..DONE! I did it!
Having a friend that has the focus to get things done and includes you in the process is a blessing. Just so you know, that last mile, Marie barreled up the hill and I barely chugged... the agony I was in could nearly rival childbirth! But with 5 days left until the Omaha Half Marathon, I'm happy to know that I really CAN DO IT!! Yay!
Accomplishments like these are what will help to strengthen that flabby motivator muscle on the inside of me. I'm starting to see that the Comfortable Zone is NOT a Safe Place.. Let's not get stuck in that sad, isolated box called Comfort.
"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men."
~John F. Kennedy

Me and Marie- July 3, 2011. Psycho Wyco 5k Trail Race. Thank you so much Marie for being such a great motivator and encouragement! You RoCk!!!


  1. I enjoyed catching up on your blogs Lucy & once again feel humbled & blessed to call you friend. I like the POTS acrynm I read in an earlier post. I may use that. :) Now if I can actually post this.

  2. Well I had to create a blog account in order to post a comment. So I guess I can blog too. Ah there's a thought. Can you imagine all my ramblings typed? HA I picked Rocky because my brothers started calling me that in HS. Started off Rox then Rock then with nephews & nieces it became Aunt Rocky & I love it! Oh see I just did my first blog on your blog. Sorry. :)

  3. Honored to have you start your first blog RIGHT HERE, Rocky! Love ya!
