Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Runnnnnniiinnnnggggg! (out of time!)

With only a week and a half to go before the big day, I'm sure I'm supposed to be feeling terribly confident and my head is really supposed to be in the game but today I feel a slump coming on.... Ohhhh I need a push!

My 5 mile 'run' today was horrible. I just barely eeked it out. And I'm supposed to run 13 in 11 days?! and in front of people?? With very weak conviction, I tell myself "i can(?) do this." *sigh*

I've noticed this nasty pattern time and again... I work (albeit, not 100%...) on my goals and the moment I'm finally within reach, this sabatoge monster jumps into my brain! There's GOT to be a champion in there somewhere... wrestling the evil monster. Right?


"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore."
~Dale Carnegie

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