Thursday, September 15, 2011

Well Now I'm TOUGH!!

This is a break from routine writings to exclaim that I AM A BLESSED WOMAN! :) I knew this already and I'm very grateful. But my 17 year old son has reminded me quite well. He made a wonderful gesture of thoughtfulness to me by purchasing (with his OWN money, I might add) a cannister of pepper spray!
If you're wondering what's so cool about that, I'll tell you~ You see, I , like many other parents of teenagers (POTS), have many bouts of frustration with stinky feet on the table, half-done chores, gadgets galore and those darn earbuds! How's a boy supposed to hear his mother scream at him for the fifth time when he's got those plugs in his ears?!! I wouldn't be so bothered by all of it if it weren't for that 'age of adulthoood' looming only months away. Is my little boy ready to be a man?
His gift tells me- Yes. In that gesture, he showed respect for his momma and showed that he is a protector. And he has money in the bank :) So, girls, you'll be a lucky woman to wind up marrying this gem of a man one day. :)
Well, I might be a cracked POT but I'm a proud cracked pot with pepper spray! So don't mess with me!


  1. That's adorable. My son is only six. I dread the teenage years...but you give me hope!

  2. Oh how I miss those toothless years! Enjoy every second! He'll be 16 in the blink of an eye!
    BTW~ I never explained that the pepper spray is for me to carry along on my runs in case of stray dogs or other threatening situations.
