Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Still Weighting...

The scale is taunting me! 160. 160. 160! I SAID 160!!!!
Surely I can defeat it. My muscles are sore. I've been breaking a sweat and spending 30-60 minutes 4-5 times per week at the gym. Success please come to me!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Starting Off on a Plateau

So I haven't updated for a while. Unfortunately, I haven't had much new to say. Though I've been making it to the gym pretty regularly and have kept from eating too many naughty foods, the scale has NOT budged!

I'm not giving up though. In fact, am feeling a bit more determined. Exercising has just made me feel like I've committed to something good. My muscles are feeling more toned and my tummy seems slimmer. I think I need to make a few more changes to my diet and hopefully the pounds will start melting off soon...

It can sure be hard getting started if you have this grandiose idea of how it should go but I'm trusting that as long as I keep moving forward, if only inches on some days, well, I know I'll be in a better place than I used to be.

"Everyone who got where is had to start where he was." Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Can I have a redo?

Today was supposed to be day 1 of the diet. It didn't go too well. I didn't make it to the gym nor did I eat well. Tonight I've got to prepare to make sure that tomorrow is a successful day. Planning meals and having things prepared to eat while you're running errands and exhausted from your trip will certainly help in keeping one from such pitfalls. Planning and preparing things ahead of time in all areas of my life could only make it better!

On a good note though, I did manage to have the night off to get much done at home. I did the FlyLady task of the day working in the kitchen and then some. Unpacked. A few loads of laundry. Cleaned the living room and dining room. Tidied my bedroom. Went to the grocery store. Picked up some shelves at the goodwill. Before the family gets home, I'll finish folding this load of laundry beside me and look at the abs book for tomorrow's menu. Ride the cycle for 15 min and hop in bed! Maybe read a few more chapters of Dinner With a Perfect Stranger.




One thing about me that I’ve noticed is that when I get a little motivation (on rare occasion), I tend to get the “all or nothing” attitude. I can’t just seem to say I’m going to work on shedding a few pounds right now without saying also that my house will sparkle and I will be much more focused on schooling with the kids and well, they need me to do more at the house of prayer so I will…blah blah blah. And before you know it, I’m overwhelmed, having difficulty prioritizing the importance of my goals and I cave to giving my personal goals to the bottom of the bin.
To be honest, I keep needing to be reminded that giving myself to a weight loss plan is NOT selfish, but there’s a hefty part of me that says it is. Also a part of me worries how I will deal with the discomfort of chubby girls around me when I’m lookin’ gooood. Another concern I have to deal with is the big one: what if I neglect a lot of important things or people (namely my family) if I give so much focus and attention to reaching MY goals??


*Putting my thoughts on paper could be a big, big help. Already have an idea-
~I know the weight loss deal will benefit more than just me.
~It will certainly be appreciated by Mike.
~My kids will have a more active, healthier mom to look up to.
~I will likely be emotionally healthier.
~And I could encourage the chubby girls.
All the other things I need to work on, well they’ve waited this long, they’ll just have to wait another 6 weeks. That’s gonna be okay. I think if I can take care of this ONE thing, then I should know that I’m able to conquer the next thing on the list. One thing at a time!!
*As far as worrying about neglecting my family, I will just talk to them ahead of time. A little family meeting where I can get their approval for me to give more focus to this 6 week plan. I can ask them to remind me if they think I’m overlooking them or other important things. Good.

It's just 6 weeks

(Jan 03, 2010)
So, it’s not all bad seeing my stunning sisters. I mean, we have a good time, lots of laughs and we have a pretty good understanding of each other. I’m lucky to have them and they impart a lot to me. The other good is that when I head out, I leave with a little kick in the pants to do something about my goals. I get a little more motivated to get rid of excess waste from my house AND my tummy.
We should be back home tomorrow and I’ll be stepping right into the abs plan to exercise and eat right. The FlyLady is my other helper to shed the garbage from around me and I’ll be using her daily plan on the internet to de-clutter our home.
The abs plan is only 6 weeks, right? The way I figure, that gets me to about Valentine’s Day and just beyond my 35th birthday. Perfect. I CAN DO ANYTHING FOR JUST 6 WEEKS!!!!


(Jan 01, 2010)
Yup, resolution time.
It’s easy for me to be ‘resolved’ to make a change. I traveled out of town to see some of my siblings for the New Year weekend. What a beautiful family I have. Inside and out. It’s the out on me that I ,like millions of other women, am resolving to change.
I always get uncomfortable going to see my sisters. It always reminds me of how I‘ve failed at my resolutions. They work hard I’m sure to keep to their size 1 and 2. As for me, kinda similar: 1..2.. er.. uhh..twelve! This is where it all starts or all that ends.
How will I get there? I’ve been reading the ABS Diet by David Zinczenko. It’s giving me some guidance on what’s gonna get me in the right direction. Eating more protein, strength training, being more committed to working out and I’ll find out more I’m sure. Already a bit apprehensive (that attitude has GOT to change!)- and I know I’m gonna need some extra umph, something that will motivate me to keep going and get there.
I know it can’t be jealousy that will rightly get me there. I do hate that feeling though and I don’t want to feel that way about my sisters or anyone else. I don’t think that sheer desire to be healthy and fit would get me there, it’s not strong enough. Surely there could be something more noble seeming that I could attach to it? I don’t know, but for now what is strongest in me, is that I want to know that my husband thinks I’m attractive and he’s lucky to have a hot babe at his side.
I don’t know if that is the best attitude to start with but that’s all I got right now. I love my husband and he deserves better than what I’ve given him. So here I start (as soon as I get back home) with just 6 weeks to see how great the ABS 6 wk plan goes. I’ll let you in on my adventure and hopefully you’ll keep me accountable.