Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Can I have a redo?

Today was supposed to be day 1 of the diet. It didn't go too well. I didn't make it to the gym nor did I eat well. Tonight I've got to prepare to make sure that tomorrow is a successful day. Planning meals and having things prepared to eat while you're running errands and exhausted from your trip will certainly help in keeping one from such pitfalls. Planning and preparing things ahead of time in all areas of my life could only make it better!

On a good note though, I did manage to have the night off to get much done at home. I did the FlyLady task of the day working in the kitchen and then some. Unpacked. A few loads of laundry. Cleaned the living room and dining room. Tidied my bedroom. Went to the grocery store. Picked up some shelves at the goodwill. Before the family gets home, I'll finish folding this load of laundry beside me and look at the abs book for tomorrow's menu. Ride the cycle for 15 min and hop in bed! Maybe read a few more chapters of Dinner With a Perfect Stranger.


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