Tuesday, January 5, 2010



One thing about me that I’ve noticed is that when I get a little motivation (on rare occasion), I tend to get the “all or nothing” attitude. I can’t just seem to say I’m going to work on shedding a few pounds right now without saying also that my house will sparkle and I will be much more focused on schooling with the kids and well, they need me to do more at the house of prayer so I will…blah blah blah. And before you know it, I’m overwhelmed, having difficulty prioritizing the importance of my goals and I cave to giving my personal goals to the bottom of the bin.
To be honest, I keep needing to be reminded that giving myself to a weight loss plan is NOT selfish, but there’s a hefty part of me that says it is. Also a part of me worries how I will deal with the discomfort of chubby girls around me when I’m lookin’ gooood. Another concern I have to deal with is the big one: what if I neglect a lot of important things or people (namely my family) if I give so much focus and attention to reaching MY goals??


*Putting my thoughts on paper could be a big, big help. Already have an idea-
~I know the weight loss deal will benefit more than just me.
~It will certainly be appreciated by Mike.
~My kids will have a more active, healthier mom to look up to.
~I will likely be emotionally healthier.
~And I could encourage the chubby girls.
All the other things I need to work on, well they’ve waited this long, they’ll just have to wait another 6 weeks. That’s gonna be okay. I think if I can take care of this ONE thing, then I should know that I’m able to conquer the next thing on the list. One thing at a time!!
*As far as worrying about neglecting my family, I will just talk to them ahead of time. A little family meeting where I can get their approval for me to give more focus to this 6 week plan. I can ask them to remind me if they think I’m overlooking them or other important things. Good.

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