Monday, January 18, 2010

Starting Off on a Plateau

So I haven't updated for a while. Unfortunately, I haven't had much new to say. Though I've been making it to the gym pretty regularly and have kept from eating too many naughty foods, the scale has NOT budged!

I'm not giving up though. In fact, am feeling a bit more determined. Exercising has just made me feel like I've committed to something good. My muscles are feeling more toned and my tummy seems slimmer. I think I need to make a few more changes to my diet and hopefully the pounds will start melting off soon...

It can sure be hard getting started if you have this grandiose idea of how it should go but I'm trusting that as long as I keep moving forward, if only inches on some days, well, I know I'll be in a better place than I used to be.

"Everyone who got where is had to start where he was." Robert Louis Stevenson

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