Tuesday, January 5, 2010


(Jan 01, 2010)
Yup, resolution time.
It’s easy for me to be ‘resolved’ to make a change. I traveled out of town to see some of my siblings for the New Year weekend. What a beautiful family I have. Inside and out. It’s the out on me that I ,like millions of other women, am resolving to change.
I always get uncomfortable going to see my sisters. It always reminds me of how I‘ve failed at my resolutions. They work hard I’m sure to keep to their size 1 and 2. As for me, kinda similar: 1..2.. er.. uhh..twelve! This is where it all starts or all that ends.
How will I get there? I’ve been reading the ABS Diet by David Zinczenko. It’s giving me some guidance on what’s gonna get me in the right direction. Eating more protein, strength training, being more committed to working out and I’ll find out more I’m sure. Already a bit apprehensive (that attitude has GOT to change!)- and I know I’m gonna need some extra umph, something that will motivate me to keep going and get there.
I know it can’t be jealousy that will rightly get me there. I do hate that feeling though and I don’t want to feel that way about my sisters or anyone else. I don’t think that sheer desire to be healthy and fit would get me there, it’s not strong enough. Surely there could be something more noble seeming that I could attach to it? I don’t know, but for now what is strongest in me, is that I want to know that my husband thinks I’m attractive and he’s lucky to have a hot babe at his side.
I don’t know if that is the best attitude to start with but that’s all I got right now. I love my husband and he deserves better than what I’ve given him. So here I start (as soon as I get back home) with just 6 weeks to see how great the ABS 6 wk plan goes. I’ll let you in on my adventure and hopefully you’ll keep me accountable.

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